Low level flight conditions over Iceland
OUTLOOK 1700 - 2300 GMT.
Winds/temperature at significant levels:
FL050: 170/40-55KT, but 270/20-35KT in the W, -07
FL100: 190/35-50KT, but becoming 27030KT in the W, -17
FL180: 210/30-50KT, least wind in the E, -33
Overview of weather systems:
A 1015 mb ridge og high pressure, 450 km E of Iceland, is moving E and a 995 mb trough, over the W of Iceland, is moving E.
Near surface winds:
SE 30-50 KT, but W-ly 15-25KT in the W, slowly spreading towards the E.
Cloud heights/visibility/weather:
FEW/SCT 2000-4000FT and good visibility in the NE, but BKN/OVC 0500-2000FT with snow or sleet and poor visibility elsewhere. Tops above 18.000 FT. Becoming SCT/BKN 1500-4000FT with good visibility in the west with isolated snow showers with CB's and poor visibility, slowly spreading towards the E.
Visual flight conditions in Iceland:
Mostly good in the NE, but impassible elsewhere. Improving from the W during period.
Freezing level:
SFC, but up to 2000 FT by the south coast.
Atmospheric or cloud icing:
LGT/MOD in precipitation.
Mostly MOD, but OCNL SEV in the central part, check valid SIGMET.
Other information:
Textaspár eru skrifaðar af vakthafandi veðurfræðingi á Veðurstofu Íslands.