Tilkynning um breytingu á litakóða eldfjalls


Tími: 29. nóv. 2024, 13:27

Litakóði:  Appelsínugulur 

Númer eldfjalls: 371020

The eruption which commenced at 23:14 UTC in Sundhnúkur crater row on 20 November continues. The activity is now confined to two craters on the northern end of the eruptive fissure. The more active crater has coordinates -22.356,63.898 and lava flows from it to the east towards Fagradalsfjall. On Thursday 28 November, the SO2 flux from the active craters was measured with DOAS and the results show a slight decrease to approximately 60-70 kg/s. No ash is produced by the current activity.

Hæð gosmökkvar:
Gas rich volcanic plume is assessed to be between 500-800 m asl for the past two days.

Aðrar upplýsingar um gosmökk:
No volcanic ash produced.

Nánar um vá:
Lava flow is mainly progressing to the east from the active crater. Volcanic gas is transported to the south as observed by cameras and satellite images.

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