Tilkynning um breytingu á litakóða eldfjalls


Tími: 07. júl. 2023, 16:08

Litakóði:  Gulur 

Númer eldfjalls: 371022

Earthquake activity commenced around 23:30 yesterday (6th of July) in the area of Eldey on Reykjanes ridge. Over 480 earthquakes have been detected with several earthquake over M3 and six earthquakes over M4. Activity as intense like this has not happen previously in the past seismic swarms related to magma intrusion in Fagradalsfjall. GPS station closest to Eldey does not show any signs of magma intrusion, however the station is located at least 10 km distance from Eldey. The current seismicity around Eldey remains at a depth of about 8 km and no current indication of shallower earthquakes. Due to this heighten activity the aviation color code is changed to yellow.

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